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10 Questions to Ask Your Chamber That Can Help Grow Your Business

Often, businesses aren't sure how to best use their chamber memberships. They understand that chambers advocate for businesses, but how do they work, and what specifically can they help with? You might just be surprised. 

Here are 10 questions you can ask your chamber to help improve and grow your business: 

  1. Do you have a mentorship program? If you need guidance on a specific challenge in your career or business, a mentor can help. 

  2. What assistance can you give me in learning about marketing?   There's a lot to keep up on regarding marketing best practices. Many chambers offer lunch and learn sessions and other learning opportunities to equip businesses with the basics they need to be successful. Check with the chamber about their learning sessions. They may have a host of topics you're interested in. 

  3. What networking activities do you host?  Even in the virtual world, people do business with others they know, like, and trust. Networking can help you establish these vital relationships, which can lead to more sales. 

  4. How can I get more involved?  Building off of the above suggestion, being associated with an established and well-respected business organization in your community is a good thing. Getting involved will help you become more than just another face at a networking function. 

  5. Do you have an online directory?  An online directory can ensure your name gets in front of people looking for your services. 

  6. Can you explain the referral process?  Chambers are always asked for referrals. Find out what your chamber's process is and whether they will notify you of referrals. If so, offer them your most up-to-date marketing materials so they can answer potential customer questions, such as your hours of operation.

  7. What activities can I invite my employees to?  Most business owners don't realize that chamber benefits extend to their employees. These benefits can be very valuable in the eyes of your team. For instance, if your chamber offers professional development or learning opportunities, you can offer these as a perk of employment.  

  8. Can I produce content for you on a topic I know a lot about?  Chambers need content just like your business does. Ask them about what their needs are. If you have knowledge that could benefit other business owners, they may just be looking for your expertise. 

  9. Can I speak at one of your events?  Just like the content requirements above, your chamber may need knowledgeable professionals to speak to its group. But remember to go into any sort of opportunity like this as a resource for others, not someone pushing their business. 

  10. What can I do for you?  People do business with those they know, like, and trust. Asking the chamber how you can be of assistance may open doors to you and expose opportunities that you hadn't thought of. Chambers represent and advocate for all businesses in the community, but you never know what they may need help with. Being at the right place at the right time can be very advantageous.  


*This article features excerpts from Christina R. Green. 

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