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Improve Your About Us Page for More Sales

Metroport Chamber

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

10 Ways to Improve

For most businesses, the About Us page on their website is one of the most viewed pages. Generally, it comes in second behind Pricing, not including the Home Page, of course.

Is that true for you?

If it is, you need to ensure it contains good quality content that makes readers feel a connection with your business. That’s why they go there in the first place. They’re looking to know more about you. If you don’t give it to them, you’re missing an opportunity to allow them into your world and make a connection. People buy from those they like.

But what makes an effective About Us page?

One that will resonate with your audience and that means having the following things:

10 Ways to Improve Your About Us Page for More Sales

  1. Tell your story. That’s the whole point of this page but no one needs a history of your business. Instead, talk about what drives you—your why for being in business. Talk about your inspirations and dreams. If you have a special connection to the community, industry, your services, etc., share those.

  2. Use pictures. Don’t paint a picture using only your words. Add images that will help people identify with you. The picture of your building can go on another page. You want pictures that will help people feel like they know you and your team.

  3. Use video. Some people simply don’t want to read. Use a 1-3 minute video to connect to your audience.

  4. Show the company pet. Who can say no to a cute furry face? Maybe you don’t believe in the power of pets. A client of mine who has a product business that has nothing to do with pets usually reaches about 20-30 people on Facebook. She posted a picture of a cat dressed like a shark during Shark Week and reached a whopping 750+ people because of shares and likes.

  5. Add a subpage featuring your team bios and interesting things about them. Play up aspects of their personalities, hobbies, and/or interests that people will identify with.

  6. Give your visitors something to do. This page is supposed to help them connect with you so don’t let them just X out of it after they get the warm and fuzzies about you. Direct them somewhere else on your site like a team page, customer success page, community service page, or somewhere else they can learn more about you. Do not direct them to buy your product. It’s too soon. Let them enjoy the date before asking about a wedding.

  7. Show your audience something they will want to be a part of. Most real estate agents will tell you to remove personal pictures when selling your home. Staging experts suggest that personal pictures are distracting and take away from a potential buyer seeing themselves in the home. They think of it as your home, not their home. Instead, you want them to see themselves there, imagining BBQs in the backyard and making holiday memories by the fireplace. Your About Us page should invite your web visitors in the same way so they can imagine what it would be like to be part of your customer “family.” Do this by sharing pictures of you having fun with customers or other examples of your connections to make them want to be affiliated with you.

  8. Add social share buttons that make it easy for people to share what they’ve discovered about you.

  9. Add a Tweetable quote. If you have some good inspirational quotes (maybe from your heroes, like dear old grandpa), make them tweetable so others can share them easily with a click or two.

  10. Ditch your marketing lingo. Yes, seriously. This is not the time to use corporate speak like synergy and the rest. You want identifiable language that speaks to your ideal audience, not language used in business books. Speak like a human; connect like one.

Creating an About Page that increases conversions is easy; just think about how your best friend would talk about you and your business. Show how you help and why you love what you do. Those types of positive emotions are contagious and people will want to buy from you when you show them your why.

Christina Metcalf teaches small businesses, chambers, and associations how to connect through content. Her articles have appeared in the Midwest Society of Association Executives’ Magazine,, AssociationTech, and Writers Weekly. She is a regular blogger at and the Event Manager Blog.

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